Рождения мужчине search item php i. Сценарий дня рождения мужчины. Получение всех картинок из HTML-документа

Updated on April 30, 2016

I"m going to show you how to create simple search using PHP and MySQL. You"ll learn:

  • How to use GET and POST methods
  • Connect to database
  • Communicate with database
  • Find matching database entries with given word or phrase
  • Display results

You should have Apache, MySQL and PHP installed and running of course (you can use for different platforms or WAMP for windows, MAMP for mac) or a web server/hosting that supports PHP and MySQL databases.

Let"s create database, table and fill it with some entries we can use for search:

  • Go to phpMyAdmin, if you have server on your computer you can access it at http://localhost/phpmyadmin/
  • Create database, I called mine tutorial_search
  • Create table I used 3 fields, I called mine articles.
  • Configuration for 1st field. Name: id, type: INT, check AUTO_INCREMENT, index: primary

INT means it"s integer
AUTO_INCREMENT means that new entries will have other(higher) number than previous
Index: primary means that it"s unique key used to identify row

  • 2nd field: Name: title, type: VARCHAR, length: 225

VARCHAR means it string of text, maximum 225 characters(it is required to specify maximum length), use it for titles, names, addresses
length means it can"t be longer than 225 characters(you can set it to lower number if you want)

  • 3rd field: Name: text, type: TEXT

TEXT means it"s long string, it"s not necessary to specify length, use it for long text.

  • Fill the table with some random articles(you can find them on news websites, for example: CNN, BBC, etc.). Click insert on the top menu and copy text to a specific fields. Leave "id" field empty. Insert at least three.

It should look something like this:

  • Create a folder in your server directory and two files: index.php and search.php (actually we can do all this just with one file, but let"s use two, it will be easier)
  • Fill them with default html markup, doctype, head, etc.


  • Create a form with search field and submit button in index.php, you can use GET or POST method, set action to search.php. I used "query" as name for text field

GET - means your information will be stored in url (http://localhost/tutorial_search/search.php?query=yourQuery )
POST - means your information won"t be displayed it is used for passwords, private information, much more secure than GET

Ok, let"s get started with php.

  • Open search.php
  • Start php ()
  • Connect to a database(read comments in following code)
